Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting Rid of Planters Warts

Ever since my first experience with planters warts, I have been determined to find a way to get rid of planters warts. Planters warts are caused by the same virus (HPV - Human Papilloma Virus) as the one that causes genitle warts. You typically get plantars warts from being in damp places such as showers, basements, etc.

You may have plantars warts if you have warts around the balls of your feet or between yours. Check with the doctor to make sure you have plantars warts because it may be something else entirely.

To remove plantars warts, you have the following options:

Cyrosurgery - They remove the planters warts by freezing them off. This is a routine process and is commonly available now.

Salicylic Acid - You can buy this OTC drug from your local pharmacy. It is not as quick as the first option but it is something you can do yourself. It takes several applications for the wart to be fully removed.

Those are really the only two good options for getting rid of planters warts. Things such as duct tape and other home remedies seem to be more folk wisdom than anything else.

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